Daily Archives: May 29, 2019

Bermuda to the Azores, Wednesday, 5/29/19, 6am

Position: 34 34N, 61 36W
Distance covered from Bermuda: 200 miles
current speed: 5.9 knots (motoring)
We left Bermuda at 10:30AM on Monday and headed for the Azores. The first night, winds were good and we sailed through the day and night. The wind vane is still causing us issues downwind so we will wait to see if it performs better on a different point of sail. We have therefore been using our autopilot more and so we had to motor for a few hours yesterday to recharge the batteries. Last night the winds clocked around to the North and dropped to under 6 knots. We know that there is wind further north between 36 and 38 so we are motoring north to find it. Once we get there we should have winds for the rest of the week at least.
The boat is doing well and we are looking forward to getting into more consistent winds.
We are already talking about what we want to eat and drink when we arrive and also what percentage of the distance we have covered. Too much time on our hands 🙂 Another blog to follow in a few days, communication permitting.

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