Daily Archives: May 31, 2019

Bermuda to the Azores, Friday, 5/31/19, 6am

Position: 36 48N, 56 53W
Distance covered from Bermuda: 486 miles
current speed: 6.2 knots (sailing)
4 days in and all is going well. We motored for most of the second day as the winds were light and unfavorable. We used the power to heat our water, make more water and charge the batteries. Since then we have been sailing the whole time trying to make it to 38N before the end of Saturday as the winds are forecast to shutdown below that latitude. We should be able to make that and the forecast winds after that are light out of the South for several days. Hopefully we will still be able to make progress East during that time under sail. By Wednesday of next week the winds are supposed to fill in from the southwest for several days which will hopefully allow us to get to the Azores around Tuesday or Wednesday.
I have not been able to sleep below with all the creaking and other noises so I have situated myself in the cockpit for most nights. This has meant that I have got little sleep. Debbie has been a trooper putting up with my crankiness during this time. I am jealous that she at least sleeps a little better than I do down below. Another blog to follow in a few days, communication permitting.

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