Quick update

While we loved Bermuda, we didn’t expect to be back so soon 😳. We had some electrical and steering issues. As we were only one day out, it seemed more sense to come back to Bermuda and fix the issues properly and in safety, than struggle on for another two weeks. We are working on those right now. I’ll send another update when I have more information.

12 thoughts on “Quick update

  1. Tony

    Hey guys! Smart move. During my crossing we had a radiator hose to the hot water tank fail. How we found it was because during a motoring, the engine overheated and vapor locked! Until I could figure it out I thought our trip was over. As we were 5 days downwind from Bermuda with 10 to go to Azores, we sailed on. 10 days beating to windward back to Bermuda made no sense. The next morning i found the problem, cut the hose and closed-loop the radiator. No more hot water….didn’t need it anyway! 8 days later, salt water spray in engine room shorted out regulator and burned up the alternator….limped into Horta.

    1. solpurpose Post author

      Tony, nice to hear we are not the only one πŸ˜‰
      Steering cables tightened, about to try one more go at calibrating the autopilot to try to make it a bit less sensitive and still working with Cape Horn to see if we can get the damn wind vane working. That would be a major bonus! Maybe setting off again as soon as tomorrow, just waiting for Chris Parker’s input.

      1. solpurpose Post author

        Still in Bermuda. Have had a string of issues that we have resolved and hope to get out on the tail of the tropical storm that might develop as pass over around Wednesday.

    1. solpurpose Post author

      Yeah I think we re getting that idea. As long as the crew at repairable that’s all that matters. Thanks for the call yesterday. It made all the difference.

    1. solpurpose Post author

      Still working with Cape Horn on the windvane. Wind genny is back working and autopilot is recalibrated. Hopefully will get news of a weather window soon as the perfect time to cross was when we initially started. If it was plain sailing all the time where would be the fun 😜
      Where have you guys got to?

    1. solpurpose Post author

      It was the best decision at the time, really irritating though as we were making great time, the forecast was good and we had a waxing moon so we would have had good moonlight most of the trip. We have had major issues since then which we will cover in our next blog. All resolved so no worries. Hoping to get a weather window out of here after the forecasted tropical storm passes through 😳


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